문화관광대학 패션산업학과
지역혁신관 705호
2010.2. 서울대학교 대학원 생활과학(의류학) 박사(Ph.D. in Clothing and Textiles) / 의류상품학(Fashion Merchandising) 2006.8. 서울대학교 대학원 생활과학(의류학) 석사(Master in Clothing and Textiles) / 의류상품학(Fashion Merchandising) 2004.8. 서울대학교 생활과학(의류학) 학사(Bachelor in Clothing and Textiles)
2024.9.~현재. 패션산업학과 교수(Full Professor) 2022.8.~2024.7. 패션산업학과 학과장 2019.9.~2024.8. 패션산업학과 부교수(Associate Professor) 2019.8.~현재. 라이프스타일기획 융합전공 패션산업학과 전공주임 2017.10.~2021.7. 학생취업부처장 겸 진로개발지원센터장 2015.3.~2017.2. 패션산업학과 학과장 2013.3.~2019.8. 패션산업학과 조교수(Assistant Professor)
2023. [과학기술정보통신부] 온라인 의류 사이즈 정보 개선 방안 연구. 2020.~2022. [중소벤처기업부] 한지 건축·인테리어 산업 육성 지원사업. 2020.9. [KMA능률협회] 진로지도사 1급. 2019. [과학기술정보통신부] 패션산업의 지속가능한 발전을 위한 소수의견. 2017. [한국기업기술가치평가협회] 가전과 생활용품의 콜라보레이션에 관한 기회 요인 발굴.
2023.3.~현재. [한국의류학회] 마케팅분과 위원. 2017.8.~현재. [한국복식학회] 마케팅분과 위원. 2016.1.~2018.12. [한국의류산업학회] 사업 이사. 2014.6.~11. [전주시] 패션 비즈니스 실무자 재교육 사업 자문 위원. 2014.1.~2016.12. [환경문화조직위원회] 심사 위원. 2008.10.~2009.1. [산업통상자원부] 패션 지식DB 구축사업 자문 위원.
패션소비자행동(Fashion Consumer Behavior) / 패션정보기술(Fashion Information Technology)
패션사회심리, 패션마케팅, 패션정보분석, 패션리테일링, 패션상품기획, 패션포트폴리오
<연구논문> [SCOPUS/KCI] Sole author. (2024). The Effect of Self-efficacy for the Size Recommendation Services on Usage Intention through Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of the Filtering Types. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing & Textiles, 48(4), 688-706. [SCOPUS/KCI] Sole author. (2024). The Effect of Consumer Evaluations of Size Recommendation Services Based on Body Information on Consumer Responses and the Moderating Effect of the Level of Information Search. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing & Textiles, 48(3), 485-500. [SCOPUS/KCI] Sole author. (2024). A Study on the Continuance Intention of Size Recommendation Services: Focusing on the Application of Expectation-Confirmation Model and the Moderating Effect of Familiarity. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing & Textiles, 48(2), 350-366. [SCOPUS/KCI] Sole author. (2024). Effect of Consumers' Privacy Concerns on Information Disclosure Intentions for Size Recommendation Services Based on Body Information: Focusing on Privacy Calculus Theory. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing & Textiles, 47(3), 442-458. [SCIE] First author. (2023). Neophobic and Variety-Seeking Tendency in Food Choices According to Their Fashion Involvement Status. Foods, 12(9), 1878-1888. [KCI] Sole author. (2019). The Effects of Shopping Value on the Usage Intention of Unmanned Fashion Stores: Application of Technology Acceptance Model. Fashion Business, 23(2), 140-155. [KCI] Sole author. (2018). The Effects of Consumers’ Innovativeness on the Usage Intention of Unmanned Fashion Stores: Application of Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 68(7), 60-73. [KCI] Sole author. (2018). Future Image of Fashion Industry According to Level of Consumer Knowledge and Anxiety Level of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Fashion Business, 22(4), 130-144. [KCI] Sole author. (2018). The Fashion Industry’s Future Image in the 4th Industrial Revolution According to Consumer Innovativeness: An Application of Frequentism Approach and Bayesian Inference. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 68(5), 143-156. [KCI] Sole author. (2018). The Store Image of Department Stores Depending on Whether They Offer Luxury Overseas Brands and Shopping Value. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 68(2), 40-60. [KCI] Co-author. (2018). A Study on Classification of Department Store by Store Image and Store Image Attributes Influencing the Classification of Department Store. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 68(1), 109-125. <저서> 의류학 연구방법론(3판), 공저, 교문사. 현대패션의 이해, 공저, 교학연구사. IT FASHION, 공저, 교문사.