곽이구 교수 기획처장
공과대학 기계자동차공학과
공학2관 405호
조선대학교 정밀기계공학과 박사(2005) 조선대학교 정밀기계공학과 석사(2001) 조선대학교 정밀기계공학과 학사(1999)
전주대학교 경력
전주대학교 기획부처장 (2022.6 ~ 현재) 공과대학 기계자동차공학과 교수(2006.3 ~ 현재) 문화산업대학원 탄소부품소재공학과 교수(2010.9 ~ 현재) 대학원 탄소융합공학과 교수(2012.03 ~ 현재) 전주대학교 탄소연구소 소장(2022.01 ~ 현재) 탄소연구소(연구재단 중점연구소) 탄소실용화센터장(2016.05~현재) 교육부 4단계 BK 사업 단장 탄소혁신인재육성사업단(2020.08~ 현재) 산통부 탄소복합재인재육성사업 단장(2021.03~현재)
교육 및 연구경력
조선대학교 연구조교(1999.3 ~ 2004.2) 송원대학 겸임교수(2002.3. ~ 2006.2)
외부 기타활동
한국복합재료학회 이사(평의원) 한국기계가공학회 이사(평의원) 한국생산가공학회 이사(평의원) 대한기계학회 이사 한국탄소학회 이사
연구 관심분야
나노 계측 및 위치제어, 기계시스템, 차량 부품소재 - 탄소복합재료, 탄소 재료 및 고분자 재료 - 나노탄소재료
공업수학 / 자동차공학및실험 / 차량제어공학 / 기계공학실험 / 전기자동차
저서 및 주요논문 외 기타
<주요논문 및 학회지> Carbon Papers from Tall Goldenrod Cellulose Fibers and Carbon Nanotubes for Application as Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Materials, MOLECULES, 2022. 03 Influence of hydroquinone content on thermotropic liquid crystalline copolymers and nanocomposites: thermo-mechanical properties and morphology, RSC ADVANCES , 2022. 03 Highly Efficient and Sustainable ZnO/CuO/g-C3N4 Photocatalyst for Wastewater Treatment under Visible Light through Heterojunction Development, CATALYSTS, 2022. 01 인발 성형법을 이용한 복합소재 신호등 부착대의 C/GFRP 구조적 안정성에 관한 연구, 한국기계가공학회, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 9-16, 2021. 11 수분산 폴리우레탄 및 탄소나노섬유 복합체의 물리적 특성, 한국기계가공학회, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 24-29, 2021. 11 Heat-resistant reflectors for enhanced 850-nm near infrared light-emitting diode efficiency, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2021.11 지게차용 DMFC와 리튬배터리 하이브리드시스템의 혼합적용에 대한 연구, 한국기계가공학회, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 57-65, 2021. 04 카본 자전거 프레임 소재의 적층 패턴에 따른 프레임 강성 연구, 한국기계가공학회, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 51-58, 2021. 06 Effects of diamine isomers on the properties of colorless and transparent copoly(amide imide)s, RSC ADVANCES, 2021. 09 Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Behavior of Magnetic Carbon Fibers Prepared by Electroless FeCoNi-Plating, MATERIALS, 2021. 07 Reliability evaluation of the performance of non-woven carbon fiber fabric for heating element applications, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T, 2021. 10 Comparison of Properties of Colorless and Transparent Polyimide Nanocomposites Containing Different Diamine Monomers, ACS Omega, 2021. 07 Thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester fibers according to various heat treatment conditions, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2021. 06 High-efficient Schottky-junction silicon solar cell using silver nanowires covering nitrogen-doped amorphous carbon, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, 2021. 06 Magnetic and mechanical characterization of Al-MWCNT-Fe-Ni hybrid metal matrix composites, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS, 2021. 04 Analysis of Chemical and Mechanical Properties of UV Curing Resin, 한국기계가공학회, Vol.19, pp.88-95, 2020. 04 Improved of Mechanical Properties and Functionalization of Polycarbonate by Adding Carbon Materials, 한국기계가공학회, Vol 19, pp 59-67, 2020. 04 니켈나노파우더 함침기법을 이용한 탄소복합소재의 전자파차폐 효과에 관한 연구, 한국기계가공학회, Vol 12, 2020. 12 UV 경화형 복합재료의 진공압에 따른 기계적 경화 특성 분석, 한국기계가공학회, Vol 12, 2020. 12 Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Wood Flours Composites to Improve the Strength of Truck Deck Floor Boards, 한국생산제조학회, Vol 1, pp 24-30, 2019. 01 Effect of Ag2O on cell viability of ZnO nanoparticle synthesized by low temperature solution synthesis process, Biointerface Research in applied chemistry, Vol 4, pp 4011-4014, 2019. 03 Direct growth of flower like-structured CuFe oxide on graphene supported nickel foam as an effective sensor for glucose determination, Vol 118, pp 1-9, 2020.10 The Effect of the Processing Parameters on the Properties of the Liquid Phase Spark Plasma Sintered 80Fe-20(Al + MWCNT) Magnetic Metal Matrix Nanocomposites, Vol 9, pp 1-9, 2020. 07 Magnetic, Electrical, and Mechanical Behavior of Fe-Al-MWCNT and Fe-Co-Al-MWCNT Magnetic Hybrid Nanocomposites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering, Vol 3, pp 1-9, 2020. 02 Correlation between Drop Impact Energy and Residual Compressive Strength According to the Lamination of CFRP with EVA Sheets, Vol 1, pp 1-8, 2020.01 Electron Beam Irradiation Isolates Cellulose Nanofiber from Korea “Tall Goldenrod” Invasive Alien Plant Pulp, Vol 10, pp 1-9, 2019. 10 Use of a rough GaP layer to improve light efficiency of 860-nm GaAs-based vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser, Vol 211, pp 292-297, 2019. 07 Latent heat storage and thermal efficacy of carboxymethyl cellulose carbon foams containing Ag, Al, carbon nanotubes, and graphene in a phase change material, Vol 28, pp 1-9, 2019.01 Free-standing Three Dimensional Graphene Incorporated with Gold Nanoparticles as Novel Binder-free Electrochemical Sensor for Enhanced Glucose Detection, Vol 9, pp 229-237, 2018.05 N-doped graphene-carbon nanotube hybrid networks attaching with gold nanoparticles for glucose non-enzymatic sensor, Vol 90, pp 38-45, 2018. 10